Tudásmegosztás - Málta
Tudásmegosztás - Málta
A képzés segédanyagai
Ezen az oldalon azokat a webes felületeket találod, amelyket a feladat megoldásához ingyenesen használtunk, és te is használhatsz.
Welcome to the ICT / TEL course
The course aims to introduce interactive media tools and provoke thoughts and concepts as to how it can be used in the classroom.
These include:
ICT / Week 1
The principles of sharing resources and lessons online.
Google Drive: uploading and creating documents and files for sharing with colleagues and students.
Designing and creating a Website.
Creating a Blog.
Film Downloading and Editing tools.
Audio Editing tools.
Recording computer screen tools.
Authoring Tools: Interactive Exercises.
Creating Cartoons.
TEL Week 2
Authoring Tools: Interactive Exercises and Mazes.
Word Clouds.
Using an Interactive White Board.
TagAnt - for creating corpora
http://www.corpora4learning.net/resources/corpora.html (collection of different corpora)
What is a Wiki? (video)
ClassTools (Random Name Picker, Fakebook, QR Treasure Hunt Generator, Hexagon Generator, Crossword Generator)
Breaking News English (English language)
GIMP (image-editing software)
https://kahoot.it/ - for students
Kahoot - for teachers
MindMup (through Google Drive → New)
Pixabay - a resource for images
Icon Finder - a resource for icons